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open 6A - 10P Everyday


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The distinct 

qualities of 

specialty coffee

lie at the apex of acidity, b ody and sweetness. 

We roast to 

showcase the

farmer's craft and reveal coffee's 

unique natural 


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Apex Coffee Roasters is a craft specialty coffee roastery established in 2014 in Waco, Texas.  Each of us at Apex remember a cup of coffee in the past which redefined our perspective of what coffee could be.  We started this company with hopes of recreating that experience for as many people as possible.  A coffee's quality and uniqueness starts and ends well before it reaches our facility.  It is the diligent craftsmanship and artistry of producers all over the world who make great coffee a reality.  Roasting the coffee is a necessity to unlock all the aromas and flavors we enjoy in our cups.  Exactly how a coffee is roasted is the greatest influence on how it will ultimately taste.  Our goal is simply to reveal the coffee's natural flavors and showcase all the producer's hard work.

508 Austin Ave, Waco, TX, 76701

Open Every Day Of The Week 

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